Hey, I’m

Pruthvikanth AC

I am a proactive MSc Computer Science student at Cochin University of Science and Technology, specializing in AI and Data Science. As a student, developer, and designer, I'm deeply committed to continuous learning and crafting innovative software solutions. Alongside my studies, I actively undertake freelance projects in development and design. Open to new challenges and collaborations, feel free to reach out with inquiries or proposals.


Innovative Case Management: Hackathon Project Lead

Nature Language Processing

  • • Led a hackathon team to develop a DCFM system using Python (Django, MySQL) for India’s judicial system. Implemented machine learning and NLP to streamline case management, aligning with the Ministry of Law and Justice’s vision for an efficient judiciary

Leveraged GPU Parallelization for Performance Enhancement


  • • Employed GPU parallelization techniques using NVIDIA CUDA to optimize compute-intensive applications. This initial exploration focused on matrix multiplication and sorting algorithms, aiming to reduce processing time.

  • • Recognized the potential of GPU acceleration and am actively seeking opportunities to further develop my skills in this domain. Eager to learn more advanced strategies and explore broader applications of parallel programming.

Developing YouTube Summarizer Web App

MERN Stack

  • • Currently, I am actively involved in the development of a YouTube summarizer web application, built using the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) stack. This project aims to provide users with a convenient tool to summarize YouTube videos by utilizing their transcripts.

Implemented RSA cryptography

RSA Cryptography

  • • Developed a Python program utilizing the RSA algorithm for message encryption and decryption. This involved generating public and private key pairs using randomly chosen large primes.

  • • Ensured secure communication by encrypting messages with the public key and decrypting them with the corresponding private key.

Initiated Work on Drowsiness Detection System

Computer Vision

  • • I undertook a project focused on drowsiness detection, aiming to develop a system that could recognize signs of fatigue and alert individuals in real-time. While the project remains unfinished, my efforts involved researching and implementing algorithms for drowsiness detection, exploring technologies such as computer vision and machine learning.

  • • Although the project is in its initial stages, this experience showcases my interest in addressing real-world challenges through innovative solutions. I’m eager to continue this project and apply my knowledge in computer vision and machine learning to contribute to advancements in safety and well-being.


MSc (Five year Integrated) in Computer Science (AI & Data Science)

May 2022 - Present

Cochin University of Science and Technology